Developers; the new philosophers
Philosophy occupies a great part of our brains as developers. We imagine, we dream, we bring ideas to life in many forms and at many different levels, we discuss. We enable the world to become more efficient, more profitable, we help people become happier through the services we build.
But we also create things that make other's people jobs unnecessary and these people lose their jobs as a consequence, we build things that make people's life harder also, we help governments spy on people, we help companies become monopolies and behave like countries, we build things that are used to promote violence, drugs, etc. I mean, the dark web exists and is real, someone is building it every day. Aren't you afraid of the new Facebook currency Libra? If you are not then think twice and try to imagine a black mirror episode, but sure they will say "I am sorry" and that's what's important (sarcasm). We need to start decentralizing things, let's start building our own applications, let's get back to that old project we had in mind to make this world a better place, let's keep posting on hashnode. Let's take control of things ourselves, we have the power and the knowledge to do it. If we lack of something is maybe influence and power and all this old fashioned forms of power, but is nothing that together we can't figure out. If we took the world by surprise we would be the rulers and masters of a better world, at least for a moment and this would disrupt and bring balance. I know I sound like Light Yagami now. But this is just philosophy, I am just trying to imagine a better place to live, but the future doesn't seem like it sometimes.
There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands. ~ Plato